Sponsorship of posts

The Bonifatiuswerk funds project-related, newly established posts in the diaspora, which take the missionary aspect into account.


  • A written application is submitted to the Bonifatiuswerk via the competent vicar-general of the respective (arch)diocese. A written statement by the vicar-general and the diocesan branch of the Bonifatiuswerk must be included with the application.
  • The application is to be submitted in the form of an informal letter (Download: application form). The application must include a detailed (theological and educational) description of the content and state the reasons for the post. Furthermore, the total cost and the financial budget for the project period must be set out.
  • There is no deadline for the application – applications can be submitted throughout the year. The General Executive Board, which meets three times a year, generally decides on the applications.
  • The Bonifatiuswerk sponsors a maximum of 5 full-time posts a year.



  • The maximum funding period is 2 years.
  • Funding is granted in the form of a subsidy – the respective diocese and/or parish and/or an organisation should share the cost.
  • Any follow-up funding of a project or a person is excluded.
  • A maximum “gross employer cost” for a full-time post of approx. EUR 55,000 (Germany) is applied as a financial benchmark.
  • This grant will be transferred quarterly with retrospective effect after the salary statements have been submitted.'


  • As a matter of principle, newly established posts are sponsored; there is no funding for existing posts.
  • There should be the potential that the post will be continued after the project sponsorship has finished (sustainability).
  • A missionary/evangelising basis or character must be given.
  • The project description must be convincing and deal with virgin pastoral territory in the diaspora as far as possible.
  • The focus is on target groups that are church-based and / or secular or distanced from the church. The application must include innovative ways of introducing questions and issues of faith and the church. This is particularly aimed at people who have no strong ties to the church, enabling them to experience credible, church-related work.
  • The posts are intended to support the activities in the parishes / organisations and help to kick-start ventures that will subsequently be associated with an honorary commitment as far as possible.
  • It is recommended to employ personnel who will engage directly with people who are going to disseminate the aims of the mission more widely. Such disseminators may be teachers of religious education, Catholic teachers of other subjects, nursery nurses in Catholic pre-schools, full-time staff in special pastoral care, hospitals, homes, juvenile detention centres, youth facilities, pastoral care in schools, personnel-related aid regarding the issue of imparting faith during parents’ evenings at schools, other educational facilities, youth and adult education establishments and pre-schools.

Obligations of the recipient

  • The employment agreement of the sponsored person states the following sentence: “The personnel costs are funded by the Bonifatiuswerk of German Catholics, Paderborn, for a maximum of 2 years and serve the purpose of pastoral care in the diaspora.” The Bonifatiuswerk receives a copy of the employment agreement of the sponsored person.
  • The sponsored persons introduce themselves in person to the secretary general during the first two months of sponsorship and will be given detailed information regarding public relations by the Bonifatiuswerk.
  • The sponsored persons undertake to ensure that the endorsement “Sponsored by:” and the logo of the Bonifatiuswerk will appear in any publications that are related to the project, e.g. in the print media, on the Internet etc. The relevant publications will be sent to the Bonifatiuswerk.
  • The sponsored persons will submit an activity report to the Bonifatiuswerk after six months and an analysis report at the end of their employment.
  • Furthermore, the sponsored persons will frequently provide information regarding the facility and their concrete activity on the homepage of the Bonifatiuswerk in order to convey a vivid impression of the project’s progress. The concrete arrangements concerning the implementation of this will be made during the meeting at the Bonifatiuswerk.
  • The sponsored persons and their direct superiors agree to report on their work and experiences at the request of the Bonifatiuswerk, the (arch)dioceses or other church-based facilities.
  • Non-compliance with these obligations may result in a claim for the return of the granted funds.



Julian Heese

Director of missionary and diaconal pastoral work /
diaspora aid for children and youths
05251 29 96-50