The Bonifatiuswerk provides financial support for parishes and organisations in the diaspora for the purchase of a BONI bus. The BONI buses are ordered centrally by the Bonifatiuswerk. The BONI buses are new vehicles – ordering second-hand vehicles is not possible. The buses must be collected in Paderborn on specific dates together with other collectors.
- In order to make an application, the appropriate application form (Download: application form) must be used.
- Parishes / organisations in the diaspora with a maximum of 20 % Catholic representation are eligible to submit an application.
- A written application must be submitted either via the competent authority of the respective (arch)diocese or via the diocesan branch of the Bonifatiuswerk. A written statement both by the competent authority of the respective (arch)diocese and by the diocesan branch of the Bonifatiuswerk must be included with the application.
- There is no deadline for the application – applications can be submitted throughout the year.
- The Bonifatiuswerk will bear 2/3 of the defined costs for the standard equipment of the BONI bus. The remaining 1/3 must be raised by the applicant (with a contribution made by the (arch) diocese where appropriate).
- Should the applicant require further optional equipment, the costs for this must be borne fully by the applicant.
- If a follow-up subsidy is requested, the end-of-life vehicle must be approx. 10 years old or have at least 120,000 km on the clock.
- If the BONI bus is sold, the Bonifatiuswerk is entitled to 2/3 of the sales proceeds for the end-of-life vehicle.
Obligations of the applicant
- Following the collection of the BONI bus, the applicant undertakes to submit a written report or illustration regarding the necessity for/utilisation of the bus. If possible this report should contain a few personal words and meaningful photos.
- The sponsorship by the Bonifatiuswerk should be pointed out within the parish/organisation (parish newsletter, church service, blessing of the vehicle ...).
- As a sign of collective responsibility in the diaspora, a collection for the Bonifatiuswerk must be held and permanent membership must be advertised.
- Non-compliance with these obligations may result in a claim for the return of the granted funds.