The detailed allocation guidelines are described for each type of sponsorship. The following general guidelines apply to all sponsorship applications and projects:

  • Applications to the Bonifatiuswerk must be made in writing (post or e-mail). As a matter of principle, the following documents must be enclosed with the application:
    –    Detailed project description
    –    Written statement by the competent authority of the (arch)diocese and/or written statement by the diocesan branch of the Bonifatiuswerk
    –    Cost and financial budget
    –    Photographs where appropriate

    The detailed requirements for an application are regulated for each type of sponsorship.
  • A written application must be submitted either via the competent authority of the respective (arch)diocese or via the diocesan branch of the Bonifatiuswerk, which must give a written statement regarding the application. The mutual exchange of information concerning the application before submission is required in any case.
  • For building grants, motorisation grants and the funding of posts, a written statement must be obtained from both the competent authority of the (arch)diocese and the diocesan branch of the Bonifatiuswerk in any case.
  • When allocating projects eligible for sponsorship, the following aspects and criteria must be given special consideration:
    –    Percentage of Catholics
    –    Missionary focus
    –    Sustainability / lifetime
    –    Applicant’s need
    –    Utilisation plan
    –    Security of funds
  • Once sponsorship has been granted, the applicants will receive appropriate notification. The competent authorities of the (arch)dioceses or the diocesan branch of the Bonifatiuswerk shall receive a copy of this letter.
  • The recipient of the grant is responsible for the purposeful and economical use of the subsidies. The subsidies must only be used for fulfilling the purpose specified in the grant letter. The application of the funds must be accounted for in detail. Subsidies, which are not required for the project implementation, must be returned once the project has been completed.
  • The recipient of the grant is obligated to ensure that information regarding the current status of the measures or the project progress can be provided at all times. Furthermore, the applicant undertakes to permit the Bonifatiuswerk and its representatives to inspect the project.
  • When accepting the subsidies, the recipient of the grant undertakes to notify the Bonifatiuswerk of any events, which have a significant impact on the project, especially if they appear to compromise the implementation of the project or its purpose. This must be done immediately and without being requested.
  • The Bonifatiuswerk reserves the right to use any reports/results regarding the sponsored project or the financial aid for fund-raising and publicising purposes and to publish them.
  • The Bonifatiuswerk reserves the right to make decisions based on individual cases. A justified individual decision concerning a grant cannot be quoted as a precedent.
  • There is no legal claim to sponsorship by the Bonifatiuswerk.

These allocation guidelines apply with effect from 1st May 2011.