In Germany we face a situation that has changed. Faithful Catholics experience a feeling of being alone in their faith even in areas where Christians make up the majority in society. There is a growing number of people who consciously distance themselves from faith and the Church or who are indifferent to them. They are no longer willing or able to reconcile faith and the Church with their everyday lives. In addition, the situation in Eastern Germany is unique worldwide. Christians between the Baltic Sea and the Ore Mountains live in the diaspora per se. More than 75 % of the population are neither baptised Christians nor members of any other religion.
We therefore sponsor projects, which have a distinctly evangelising character or which illustrate the special situation of the diaspora. We support projects that are primarily aimed at people who are distant from the Church, that draw attention to faith and the Church, that create awareness of religious content or that stand up for faith in an innovative way.
In addition, we sponsor posts with a missionary or evangelising character in the diaspora in Germany and Northern Europe, as well as in Estonia and Latvia. We support posts that are aimed at target groups that are distant from the church as well as secular target groups, those that are breaking new ground in pastoral work, or those that help to promote voluntary work in congregations or church institutions.
A community does not gain importance by the number of its members; instead, it depends on whether it is convinced that it has something important to say for everyone.
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archdiocese of Munich and Freising
Inform yourself about the details of the applications, that is necessary for the project-support of the Bonifatiuswerk
The application forms can be downloaded here:
Application form Children and Youths Aid
Application form Transport Aid
Application form for Sponsoring of Posts
Application form for Sponsoring of Innovative Missonary Projects
Free Booklets about "The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy" and "Reconciliation in Faith".
Please order here and contact Bonifatiuswerk for shipping costs.
Julian Heese
Director of missionary and diaconal pastoral work /
diaspora aid for children and youths
05251 29 96-50