EUR 14 Million for Projects in the Diaspora

From left to right: President Heinz Paus, Vice-President Hermann Fränkert-Fechter, Secretary General Monsignore Georg Austen and Executive Director Martin Guntermann. Photo: Patrick Kleibold
From left to right: President Heinz Paus, Vice-President Hermann Fränkert-Fechter, Secretary General Monsignore Georg Austen and Executive Director Martin Guntermann. Photo: Patrick Kleibold


One of the focal points of the project sponsorship is the aid for children and youths.  More than EUR 2 million are flowing into this area. Projects in Germany are supported with EUR 1.61 million, projects in Northern Europe with EUR 200,000 and projects in Estonia and Latvia with EUR 70,000.

The building aid supports 65 projects with EUR 3.23 million, including 36 projects in Germany to the amount of EUR 1.51 million, 25 projects in Northern Europe totalling EUR 889,500 and four projects in Estonia and Latvia to the amount of EUR 311,000. EUR 350,000 was set aside for urgent building projects.

With EUR 810,000, the faith aid supports the missionary commitment and projects of new evangelization in Germany, as well as personnel and trainee posts with a missionary character.

The transport aid supports the purchase of new BONI buses with EUR 800,000.

Initiatives for new evangelization and projects of religious education are sponsored with EUR 2.1 million. This also includes the First Communion campaign, the Confirmation initiative and the promotion of Christian customs.