The diaspora aid for children and youths is obligated to co-finance suitable diaspora projects related to the pastoral care for children and youths. The projects should reflect the everyday situation and the particular difficulties and opportunities that the pastoral care for children and youths in the diaspora is confronted with. The diaspora aid for children and youths is intended to promote the awareness of and the interest in the necessity of differentiated grants for the pastoral work with children and youths in the diaspora.
The following guidelines apply to all applications / projects of the aid for children and youths:
The following types of projects are sponsored by the diaspora aid for children and youths:
The allocation guidelines for building grants apply.
– Diocese of Fulda, Archdiocese of Hamburg (except the Mecklenburg region), Diocese of Hildesheim, Diocese of Münster, Diocese of Osnabrück -
– Archdiocese of Berlin, Diocese of Dresden-Meißen, Diocese of Erfurt, Diocese of Görlitz, Diocese of Magdeburg, Mecklenburg region in the Archdiocese of Hamburg -
In the new German states, the Bonifatiuswerk sponsors the preparation of material for the religious children’s weeks and their implementation. A separate subsidy for the preparation of material is granted to the respective leading (arch)diocese. A subsidy per participant per day for the implementation of the religious children’s weeks is granted to the organising (arch)dioceses. Currently this subsidy is EUR 3 if the group remains within the parish, EUR 4 if the children are offered meals and EUR 5 if the event takes place outside of the parish (e.g. in youth and educational centres).
– Archdiocese of Berlin, Diocese of Dresden-Meißen, Diocese of Erfurt, Diocese of Görlitz, Diocese of Magdeburg, Mecklenburg region in the Archdiocese of Hamburg –
The allocation for religious education for young children (“Frohe Herrgottstunden”) and similar projects for religious elementary education, and for the children and youth pastoral work is calculated according to the following allocation formula:
Special diaconal, charitable projects in the area of child and youth work are sponsored after consulting the dioceses, provided that this does not result in double sponsorship. The project applicant must submit a detailed financial budget for this.
Special and innovative projects in the area of pastoral work in schools are sponsored in close co-ordination with the (arch)dioceses. Care must be taken that the focus is on extraordinary school-based and extracurricular projects with a missionary and diaconal character. Sponsorship is also particularly granted for the religious and spiritual qualification and support of teaching staff and managers, as well as for projects that are dedicated to creating a Catholic profile for the facilities. The project applicant must submit a detailed project description and a decided cost and financial budget with regard to this. Projects within the context of Catholic religious education in schools, which are not run by the Catholic Church, will be given preference.
– Archdiocese of Berlin, Diocese of Dresden-Meißen, Diocese of Erfurt, Diocese of Görlitz, Diocese of Magdeburg, Mecklenburg region in the Archdiocese of Hamburg -
Currently Catholic day care centres for children in the new German states receive a subsidy of EUR 49 per child per year.
– Diocese of Fulda, Archdiocese of Hamburg (except the Mecklenburg region), Diocese of Hildesheim, Diocese of Münster, Diocese of Osnabrück -
Furthermore, seminars, congresses, exhibitions, publications, all innovative and exemplary kinds of child and youth work, networking schemes, innovative projects of church-based youth bands and opportunities to exchange practical experiences are eligible for sponsorship. The sponsorship is EUR 4 per participant per day.
Material costs will be accepted provided that they fulfil a pastoral purpose (teaching aids for religious education, objects for meditation, equipment for church-based youth bands etc.). The amount of the sponsorship will be decided on an individual basis after the submission of a financial budget.
Julian Heese
Director of missionary and diaconal pastoral work /
diaspora aid for children and youths
05251 29 96-50