"Christmas – Stellar moments of humanity"

Stellar moments of humanity at Christmas 2020 (Photo © Valérie Wagner / Ulrich Mertens, Hamburg)
Stellar moments of humanity at Christmas 2020 (Photo © Valérie Wagner / Ulrich Mertens, Hamburg)


In the time of coronavirus, festivities are celebrated differently than usual. The Bonifatiuswerk offers practical inspiration for how we can celebrate Christmas even in a time of the coronavirus pandemic. Together with the Catholic Office for Missionary Pastoral Care (Katholische Arbeitsstelle für missionarische Pastoral – KAMP) of the German Bishops’ Conference, it has expanded an existing online platform to include an idea exchange forum, where new ideas, projects and suggestions for planning the Advent and Christmas season will be regularly presented and networked over the coming months. With this initiative, as well as further projects and materials, the Bonifatiuswerk wants to make Christmas 2020 a tangible experience as “Stellar moments of humanity”.

Hope Even in Difficult Times

 “The message of the birth of Jesus Christ gives us hope even in difficult times. Especially this year, during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we can celebrate and spread the word. To this end, we network with Catholic and Protestant initiatives, parishes, associations and institutions and invite them to share their ideas online and to be likewise inspired by other good ideas. This is how we want to make this year’s Christmas celebration a tangible experience as ‘Stellar moments of humanity’,” Monsignore Georg Austen explains the initiative.

In addition to a wide range of digital offers on social media, the Bonifatiuswerk plans a free special publication for Christmas. It will be published as part of the “Church at a Glance” series, which has already reached a circulation of 6.5 million copies. The brochure will provide ideas for celebrating Christmas and can be displayed and used specifically in church, at the nativity scene, in community centres or other places. Furthermore, with the “Deed.Place.Nicholas” campaign, the aid organisation wants to promote places where good deeds are done throughout Germany and thereby, on St. Nicholas Day, draw the values of charity, helpfulness and respect more into the focus of society.

For more information on the “Stellar moments of humanity”, please visit our website Pastoral Innovations and the website of the Bonifatiuswerk.