New country brochure presents the Catholic Church in Norway

Meeting of the Nordic Bishops' Conference in Tautra (Norway) 2019. (Photo: Sr. Anna Mijiam Kaschner)
Meeting of the Nordic Bishops' Conference in Tautra (Norway) 2019. (Photo: Sr. Anna Mijiam Kaschner)


Norway is known for its fjords, deep blue lakes, white peaks, international diversity and industry with abundant oil and gas resources. But many are not aware that Norway is also the country where the Catholic Church is growing by one percent every month. While the number of Catholics is decreasing in many European countries, in this Scandinavian country a reverse development can be seen. The Bonifatiuswerk presents Catholic life in Norway with the new and illustrated brochure "Norway – Awakenings of a Diaspora Church"..

The brochure from the country series "Being Catholic in the North" has been completely revised and is available for 6.90 euros. Other issues include brochures on Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Estonia and Latvia. Orders can be placed by calling +49 (0)5251 2996-94 or in our shop: Onlineshop

Impressive photos and informative stories

"The brochure with its impressive photos and informative stories gives current insights into the life and diversity of the Catholic Church in Norway. It presents the situation of our Catholics in detail and with a lot of background information. I hope that this brochure will spark the interest of many people in our country and our Church," said the Bishop of Oslo, Bernt Eidsvig.

Believers' life in diaspora

In Norway the Lutheran Church has only now, after 475 years, freed itself from its status as a state church. The Catholic community in this Scandinavian country is therefore small. Altogether around 166,000 registered Catholics live among the some 5.3 million inhabitants. They make up 2.9 percent of the population. Comprising 76 pages of articles, interviews and background reports, the brochure provides information on a young Catholic Church shaped by people from over 120 nations. However, the situation of the faithful differs quite considerably. While the few Catholics in the north have to organise their life of faith in parishes the size of small Central European states, in Oslo many believers crowd into the few and often too small churches every Sunday.

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