FÖRDERSUMME: 36.984 Euro
BISTUM: Erzbistum Riga
STELLENINHABER: Anda Aleksandrova
To assist the Catholic Church in Latvia with evangelism to the youth, guidelines for pastoral work with youth were presented at the Priesthood Conference of the Archdiocese of Riga in October 2020. The document, which the working group worked on for a year, listed the main problems faced by young people and also looked at the ideals to be pursued in creating an encouraging environment for young people in Latvian Catholic congregations. The guidelines developed and Christus Vivit are an excellent basis for future work. These guidelines need to be put into practice, young people and churches need real support, a program needs to be developed, these materials need to be presented in churches and schools, and church representatives need to be prepared and trained.
Thanks to the financial support by Bonifatiuswerk and the initiative of the Archbishop in Riga Zbigniew Stankevich, a vacancy was announced in the archdiocese of Riga for the position of Youth Work Coordinator. After a selection process, Anda Aleksandrova was chosen to perform the duties of a Youth Coordinator. Work has already begun and it is planned as a collaboration with church representatives.
Interviews with priests of the Archdiocese of Riga, members of various communities and organizations, as well as youth itself and their parents are planned. It must be a cooperation. Several organizations in Latvia work for the benefit of young people and their common goal is to support young people, help them find the meaning of life, including getting to know God. The Youth Work Coordinator aims to hear all the parties involved and bring the expressed wishes to life. Vision: Young people who feel part of their church and who, as they get to know God better, find many answers, and can carry on Christian values.
Anda Aleksandrova comes from Iecava. She is actively involved in the life of the Iecava Catholic Church congregation, including the development of "Alpha" courses and has participated in the Taizé Youth Meeting in Latvia. Anda discovered her calling and desire to work with young people in the Oasis, a camp of evangelism school, where she worked as a camp leader. Previous work experience has been related to the position of Project Coordinator, including several European Union projects.
"My values are God, family, Latvia, love, and peace. My children are also growing up in Latvia, and because of them, as well as all young people, I want to try to do more. Only together can we create an environment in which young people will want to know God and follow Him. It will be a blessing for every family, every congregation, society, and Latvia in general” says Anda Aleksandrova.
Anda Aleksandrova
Krasta 8C
3913 Iecava,
+371 27780078
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